villalog - "Space Trash"
This friday the new record from Austrian band villalog will be available.
“Space Trash”, the fourth album by Austrian band villalog, plays with bending and distorting coordinates of space and time. Whereas their last album, “Cosmic Sister”(2009) was more of a space-disco sci-fi trip, the new album, “Space Trash”, looks pointedly towards the earth. As always, villalog’s musical starting point is found somewhere between Kraftwerk and Can, Quicksilver Messenger Service and Spacement3. Doesn’t work? Sure it does! Founded in 1999 as a duo, Michi Duscher (guitar) and Marc Muncke (electronics) were subsequently joined by drummer Bernhard Fleischmann, who also produced this latest album.
Klangbad67 CD + LP + DOWNLOAD
Available: 14.11.2014
Attention: CD will be shipped immediately, LPs will be shipped starting at Nov 26th.
DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess @ WORK
Get an inside view into the work-life and passion of DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess.
Always on the run to grab new records with inspiring music, to bring them every weekend to another country, another venue, another festival to make us dance and listen to some music we have maybe never heard of.
This short film about DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess was filmed and edited by Ben Mergelsberg.
DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess meets most soulmates at Faust Studio Deejay Laboratory
We are pleased to announce a new DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess double LP out on October 31st 2014.
Catalogue Nr: Klangbad66LP
This time DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess "meets most soulmates at Faust Studio Deejay Laboratory".
And for the first time you can listen to her own tracks, solo and together with her soulmates.
10 Jahre Faust Studio
Upcoming monday, 11.08.2014, from 15-16h there is radio feature about "10 Jahre Fauststudio' on german radio broadcast SWR2. Don´t miss it.
Release of Irmler+Liebezeit - Flut
And the next big news: Today is the release date for Irmler+Liebezeit record called "FLUT". You can buy the CD directly in our brand new webshop. The silk-screen LP with poster and download coupon will be shipped at the end of July. Special this month: No shipping costs in Germany and only 4€ for international shipping.
PLEASE NOTE: At the moment you can only buy the record "FLUT". In a few days all other items will be listed in the webshop and available for purchase.
Here we are: New website, our new logo, our manifest and a first release, too.
////Listen to Klangbad
The Klangbad collective is committed to nurturing and releasing genre bending music. We invite the uncalculated and inconclusive; the spontaneous improvised methods of making and expressing musical collaboration.
Klangbad was birthed over 15 years ago, initially to release the music of Faust, often described as one of the most experimental and uncompromising Krautrock bands to come out of post war Germany. We want to carry their thread of hope, the potential of music as raw human energy, to encourage a momentum that can bring about awareness and change. Continuing to gather and share obscure voices and everyday sounds keeps us connected to this feeling. We want to take an active role in the part of society that believes in the significance of great challenging and eclectic music. We are interested in showcasing projects that take the creative risks necessary to explore the possibilities of immeasurable intersections of human sonic energy.
We are devoted to the sounds and textures of being human, allowing space for musicians and artists to explore the outer edges of music. Our intention is to foster collaborations that focus on process and free experimentation, to explore a rich diversity of the human experience through acoustics, noise, music and performance. We see the serious and playful practice of exploring music as a language to question and name identity and culture. Klangbad is a sonic nest for the unpredictable, the unformatted and the surprising.
KLANGBAD 2014 are Ute-Marie Paul, Rebecca Harris, Olivier Kowald, Benny Straub.
New KLANGBAD website
As you have noticed our new website is ready. It´s not 100% done yet, there are still some more features to come in the future, like f.e. a Klangbad radio, but we couldn´t wait to go online with it. Check it out, and if there are some bugs please tell us.
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