Species Of Fishes - TripTrap
01. (init)
02. health 100%
03. (ctrl+s)
04. bfg9000vs.baronsofhell
05. (esc)
06. (alt+tab)
07. theweb
08. (backspace)
09. crashrecovery
10. accessdepth
On the new 74-minute album Fishes go on swimming the way no one else know, now penetrating in the area of minimal techno, computer games and jungle.
A minute labor at studio resulted in such sound quality, that it satisfies even a faultfinding High End user, not to say about the beginners among the composers, who make their first steps with PC in the armpit or the sample holders, who look for interesting and high-quality sounds.
(c)&(p) 1996 Exotica, Moscow, Russia