Markku Peltola & Buster Keaton - Tarkistaa Lännen Ja Idän
01. Menopeli
02. Ihan Ensin Aivan Souraan
03. Juuri Näin!
04. Vahvasti Etuviistoon
05. Paha Kurki
06. Äkisti Toiseen Viistoon!
07. Striptease
08. Keskelta Läpija...
09. Hukanpelto
10. Lex plays his Luthor´s Space
Compared to its predecessor „Buster Keatonin Ratsutilalla“, the arrangements on the new album are even tighter and of an almost coercive logic. Although taking their time with the music, the band is completely together on this album. We hear something like a “desert reggae” which would have fitted nicely in Morricone’s repertoire, played at a very laid-back tempo. And when we never wonder just for one second when this relaxed offbeat is superseded by a coffee house tango, this is due to this special kind of humour – which you might describe as “subliminal” while at other times it might be more aptly called “cryptic”. But this humour is never showcased or emphasized;
On the new album, the band settles into a pleasant groove. The rhythm group is reinforced by the gentle rapping of banjos and guitars, while a violin plays simply beautiful melodies. Despite all the simplicity, these tracks are arranged with great care and a lot of wit. Timpani and trumpets you will most likely discern only on a second or even third hearing. Filter-sounds coaxed from analogue synths, strange trombone parts, the stumbling rhythms – in the context of Peltula’s music, all of this seems to be quite natural. The listener has to discover the inherent humour him/herself, Peltula does not go for the obvious.
(c) klangbad 2006
„Gute, schwerst sommerliche Platte” JAZZTHETIK (Ger)
„this delightful journey can go on forever“ PLAN B (UK)
"so angenehm luftig, daß man abheben könnte” JAZZZEIT (AUS)
„Tango steckt in diesem freundlich-absonderlichen Album, Desert-Blues, Country und Dub-Reggae“
„Ernsthaft, schön, melancholisch und ergreifend“ SPEX (Ger)
„Ein Album von untergründigem Witz und mysteriöser Harmonie“ STYLE (Ger)
„lässig und augenzwinkernd“ ZEIT.DE (Ger)
„Gemächliche folkloristische Tangos und Walzer voll von Geigen, Banjos und Posaunen“ KULTURSPIEGEL (Ger)