Faust - The Faust Tapes
01. Exercise 1 **
02. Exercise 2 **
03. Flashback Caruso
(aka Silver Machine / Flashback Caruso)
04. Exercise 3 **
05. J'ai Mal Aux Dents
(aka Party 2, Schempal Buddah)
06. Untitled 1
07. Untitled 2 **
08. Dr Schwitters #1 **
09. Exercise 4 **
10. Untitled 3
11. Untitled 4
12. Dr Schwitters #2 **
13. Untitled 5 **
14. Untitled 6 **
15. Untitled 7 **
16. Untitled 8 **
17. Untitled 9 **
19. Untitled 10 **
20. Untitled 11 **
21. Untitled 12
22. Untitled 13
23. Untitled 14
24. Untitled 15
25. Stretch Out Time
(aka Do So, Stretch Out)
26. Der Baum
27. Chère Chambre
(aka Viel Obst, Viel Obst)
Werner Diermaier
Hans Joachim Irmler
Jean-Hervé Peron
Rudolf Sosna
Gunther Wüsthoff
Arnulf Meifurt
The Classic Virgin LP re-mastered and repackaged, properly annotated and divided into tracks.
More unorthodoxies from the Faust people. This time around it's a holding-operation - Faust Volume Two-and-a-half, an album of material recorded informally and originally intended only for the pleasure of the group and their friends. They used to refer to it as The Faust Party Tapes; now, with British audiences curious to discover more about why they make those funny noises, it's become The Faust Tapes and Virgin are offering it to us for the price of a single.
Recorded at Wümme June 1971 to June 1973
Engineered by Kurt Graupner
Produced by Uwe Nettelbeck
Released and Distribution by ReR MEGACORP