Nista Nije Nista - Nee Niemals Nicht
01. slovnjik
02. x
03. corner
04. am ab
05. w
06. behaviour montage
07. in any summer
The debut of NISTA NIJE NISTA is a hybrid of many art forms. The one that is granted the most room is obviously the playful dealing with language.
"We attempt to form a language, we are concerned with language in itself. We do this with the means we were provided with by our different cultures, the terminology, which we received through our upbringing and which is part of our every day life. At times, it threatens us, at time, we feel it to be a limitation, but nevertheless it can be woven into a poetic texture. For us, music is a blending of instruments. We create different sounds and from these we sculpture something like a sonic object.
- “Elektronische Beats und Samples treffen auf Stummfilmorgeln,
Saxophonfetzen, an Einstürzende Neubauten
erinnerndes Krachen und Scheppern, George-Gershwin-Melodien sowie den mal
sinnlichen, mal irren Sirenengesang der Sängerinnen.” JUNGE WELT (Ger)
produced by Hans Joachim Irmler
klangarbeit by Bruno Gebhard
(p) klangbad 2004
(c) 2004 by freibank & klangbad: edition freispiel